Monthly Archives: January 2014

Work, Work, Work… (and another hint)

No new news, really, except that I’ve begun working on testing the gaucho pants and salvaging the onesies while simultaneously studying for my last semester of nursing school and working on the new mystery items to be added to the (coming) Etsy store beginning March 1. Speaking of which, here’s the next hint:

These items also have birthdays. (Which, of course, implies that they are living. Or, rather, are imitations of something living.)


Jaa, matane!

Onesie Problems (and another hint)

My daughter, who is almost 5 months old, just grew out of the 9 month size and into the 12 month size, so I decided to sew a couple for her. Unable to find a free 12 month onesie pattern online, I used one of her 12 month onesies to create a pattern, from which I sewed two onesies. After trying them on her and discovering that they come nowhere close to fitting (in spite of being the exact same size as the ***jersey knit*** onesies that do fit her), I realized it will be a while before I can post a free 12 month onesie pattern for your use. I’m also working on 12 month size gaucho pants and gaucho overalls and hope to have them posted next week. *crosses fingers*

Also, it’s been a week (rather, 10 days) since my initial post, so it’s (past) time for another hint regarding the items to be added to the (soon-to-come) Etsy shop. So here’s the hint:

They each have a personal name.

Also, for the first month (March 1-31), they will be 50% off!

Remember to Like us on Facebook!


Ja matane!


Welcome to my new website! Changes are a-comin’ to Schaabling Shire Shoppe–namely, that we will be adding an Etsy shop and, to that, new creations. They should be available beginning in March, but here’s a hint: they’re cute and tiny and collectible!

Not a very specific hint, huh? But I’ll give a new hint every week until Opening Day March 1, 2014. Watch for them!